Empathy services for elderly people

In today’s scenario children are away (metros, abroad) from their parents due to their work.

Due to work commitments and hectic schedule, It becomes very difficult for them to visit their parents for health checkup, for knowing their well being & personal
emotional care.

We all know as that parents are getting older, they need someone by their side to manage with everyday tasks, need based services, or the worst case scenario of accident or any incident. Thus, children working away from home often wish, had there been someone to rely on for their loving parents who have done everything for them, they would have definitely taken their services in above scenarios.

Seeing such pain points, Oyba Services, a trustable, lovable & reliable brand with a human touch has come up with Empathy facilitation services for elderly people.


Following facilitation services we are offering

Health Facilitation

Health facilitation like booking doctor's appointments , transportation to hospital, paper works, delivering medicines, discharge formalities, realtime updates to children/kin. Arranging home visits etc. compassionate services.

Errand Services

On demand errand services like home maintenance, cooking assistance, daily needs, session/training on basics of internet and using smart devices through our care managers (Oybans).


Odd hours commutation/transportation